
The sponsorships team contacts institutions and companies for sponsorships, and graduate school/industry fair attendance.  Additionally, they respond to messages and other inquiries on the finance email at ccuwip2020-finance@physics.utoronto.ca.

Masha Novoselova

Program: Biomedical Physics Specialist and Chemistry Minor, 3rd year

Fun Fact: “I have a large collection of fairy paraphernalia…”

“I joined the team to be able to share my passion for physics and hopefully motivate more women in the field. It’s a privilege and I’m happy to take part in such an incredible conference!”.





Rica Cruz

Program: Physics Major, and Math and Education Minor, 3rd year

Fun Fact: Once I ate 63 shawarmas in the span of one year.

“In facilitating this conference, I hope to foster a stronger sense of community and greater excitement of the world of physics for all individuals. “