Deanna Burgart

Deanna Burgart P.Eng, CET is self-proclaimed Indigeneer™; engineer, speaker, and mentor that has a talent for identifying gaps and providing solutions to systemic, organizational and transformational change. She brings over 20 years of experience and education in oil, gas, and pipelines and is passionate about the UN Sustainable Development Goals and UN Declaration of Rights of Indigenous People. She helps STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) focused organizations and educators operationalize Indigenous inclusion in their work.
She leads mentoring circles for Indigenous people in STEM, business and entrepreneurship and works with organizations seeking to improve their relationships with Indigenous communities. She is a co-founder of IndigeSTEAM – an Indigenous Youth Outreach non-profit. As a mentor and Indigenous Advisor to the United Way, her volunteer efforts are focused around Indigenous youth and community outreach, and it is her dream to see more diverse perspectives in STEM professions.


Photo Credit: AISES